folder Antisana


pdf Hall, M. L., Mothes, P. A., Samaniego, P., Militzer, A., Beate, B., Ramón, P., & Robin, C. (2017) Popular

4625 descargas

Antisana volcano: A representative andesitic volcano of the eastern cordillera of Ecuador: Petrography, chemistry, tephra and glacial stratigraphy. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 73, 50-64.

pdf Bourdon, Erwan, Eissen, J.-P., Gutscher, M.-A., Monzier, M., Hall, M. L., & Cotten, J. (2003) Popular

1693 descargas

Magmatic response to early aseismic ridge subduction: the Ecuadorian margin case (South America). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 205(3–4), 123-138.

pdf Bourdon, E. (2002) Popular

2152 descargas

Adakite-like Lavas from Antisana Volcano (Ecuador): Evidence for Slab Melt Metasomatism Beneath Andean Northern Volcanic Zone. Journal of Petrology, 43(2), 199-217.

pdf Bourdon, Erwan, Eissen, J.-P., Cotten, J., Monzier, M., Robin, C., & Hall, M. L. (1999) Popular

1780 descargas

Les laves calco-alcalines et à caractère adakitique du volcan Antisana (Equateur): hypothèse pétrogénétique. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science, 328(7), 443-449.

pdf Barragan, R., Geist, D., Hall, M., Larson, P., & Kurz, M. (1998) Popular

1797 descargas

Subduction controls on the compositions of lavas from the Ecuadorian Andes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 154(1–4), 153-166.