Welcome to the first Ecuadorian volcano origin seismic Repository (ESeismic). It contains several seismic events recorded at the Cotopaxi volcano located in the Andean mountain region of Ecuador (latitude 0º41'05" S and longitude 78º25'54.8" W). The Cotopaxi is an active snow capped volcano constantly monitored by the Instituto Geofísico de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional (IGEPN), which is the institution responsible for monitoring and analyzing the volcanic activity in Ecuador.
IGEPN - Project Director
ESPE - Collaborator
USFQ - Collaborator
USFQ - Collaborator
EPN - Collaborator
In order to download the datasets, please go to this site.
Av. Ladrón de Guevara E11-253, Aptdo. 2759 Quito - Ecuador
(593-2)2225655; (593-2)2225627